June 2024 Newsletter: Moving Forward in Faith

Psalm 143:8

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,

for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go,

for to you, I entrust my life.”

Dear Friends and Supporters of Casa de Esperanza,

Lori and I have had many people approach us recently regarding the continuing involvement of Case de Esperanza in Honduras, basically in relation to our age and energy levels. As we have talked about it, both personally and as a Board of Directors, it is a very complicated topic.

Casa de Esperanza has a history of leading many successful programs and we currently have multiple students working hard and ready for the next step in their lives. However, we recognize that planning for the future is certainly a wise venture at this time.

I recently had some time by myself in Honduras to assess each program that we support, with the goal of defining what role we are playing and if the programs we are supporting are currently successful and cost-effective. I was able to have many discussions (with the help of interpreters!) with the key people in our ministries. This was a trip that we owed to you, our supporters, as you have trusted us in the wise use of your gifts. Since the onset of our ministry, transparency and stewardship have been very important to us.

Proving this trust has been easy for us, as many of you have traveled with us on a group trip to Honduras and witnessed first hand our involvement in people’s lives. Many of you have:

  • Experienced a winding drive up a rutted mountain road and rapidly staffed a dental clinic (and packed up quickly if we found out that rain was coming)!
  • Worked as a team to quickly learn your tasks in serving people with different dental and medical needs.
  • Worked at an energy level that you didn’t think you had, on a construction project that you knew would make a difference in people’s lives – a school, church, house, etc.
  • Made new friends and worshipped with them in a different style than you were used to.
  • Loved and supported people of a culture different than your own.

Our group trips connect closely with the Honduran culture and have proven to be invaluable to both group members from the United States and also the people that we came to serve.

I asked our ministry leaders in Honduras a lot of questions:

  • What are your success stories?
  • What is not working so well?
  • What action steps would we need to take to improve this program?
  • Can I still present the scenario that the money entrusted to you from our donors is being spent wisely?

Once I had the answers to these questions, I could easily make an assessment for the Board of Casa de Esperanza. As a result of these conversations, some of the programs we support are being altered. Still, I can report with much surety that wonderful things are happening in Honduras because of your support.

hope that you enjoy reading our success stories in this newsletter. We know that our ministry does not prosper without many hands and feet involved. We have truly enjoyed working with you, our donors, in holding hands and walking with you along the way. Your prayers, with God’s guidance, have moved our hands and feet to where we are at today.

If you have a huge heart for any of our programs, or wish to talk to us about leaving a legacy donation to sustain a project for a specific time frame, please contact us to see how that can easily be done.

We are asking God to show us the way to go, and we’re moving forward in faith.

Dr. Bill DeWitt DDS